Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Crazy, Addictive World of Draw Something

There's something else that I've only just got into. Now at least with this one, I'm not outrageously late to the party (I'm never late to a party. I try to be, but that usually means waiting for five to ten minutes after the given time and not being able to just linger around any longer and invariably turn out to be the first one there).

Before I got a smart phone I was one of those people who would get angry at the word app. It's application! There's a perfectly good word for it right there! Have we become so stunted in this new technological world of ours that we can't even finish a word, never mind a whole sentence?

Now it's all "I just downloaded this sweet new app!" (I lie. I never say the word sweet unless something is literally sweet).

But oh boy, is this little app addictive. So simply addictive.

You draw something (who'd have thought!). It gets sent to someone else. This could be a friend connected via email or Facebook or if you know their username -- or just a complete randomer. I like this latter a lot. So it gets sent to them. Once they're done their bit, you get to watch them guess what you sent (amusing in itself) and then guess their drawing. Then you draw another. And so on and so forth, ad infinitum.

What's especially nice about thise game is that it's not inherently competitive. You really feel inclined to make your drawing as clear as possible to give the other person a good chance. You both receive coins for each time either of you gets the word right, so you're not actively trying to make them lose -- it would only result in a loss for yourself.

And you start getting favourite players. In essence, those ones who prove most competent. Those ones with whom you can make chains of thirty rounds or more because you're just so darned good at this malarky. The ones who draw more complex, interesting pictures and utilise more colours. I played against one guy who did a stunning little picture of Wonder Woman. I knew what he was drawing as soon as he did the thick black hair, but I kind of regret guessing so quickly so I could have watched the whole detailed process. It's on a MOBILE SCREEN. How the hell do you draw such masterpieces on that? All of my faces are invariably crazy-eyed because I can't even dot the screen right. 

It's not massively complex. You only have a limited amount of letters which means when you've played it enough -- or, *cough* far too much -- you start anticipating regularly appearing words just by the jumble of letters at the bottom of the screen. But its simple nature is what makes it so addictive. Rounds are short and snappy so you feel like you can play

OK, I admit, I have sat there and laughed while watching people struggle to spell words like Olympics and Cemetery. The heartbreaking thing is that they know what word it's supposed to be! But by jove, those letters won't go in the right order. At least they managed it eventually. One poor soul simply could not get Einstein right and had to forfeit.

So yes, my life is being consumed by this game at the moment. It's all right. It happens. I understand these blocks now. It's like the time when I got addicted to Oreos. Or houmous. I just ride them out knowing that eventually my capricious brain will move onto something new soon enough.

Oh, but one final thing. If you WRITE THE WORD I'M SUPPOSED TO BE GUESSING on a game called DRAW SOMETHING, I will delete you immediately.


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